What Is First Monday?
First Monday may be written as FM (FIRST MONDAY), or FMFM (FIRST MONDAY FLEA MARKET) and will be held the first Monday of each month. Anything, and I repeat, anything can be sold, traded, solicited or bargained for with the exception of porn materials. If it is time to move the 5th copy of your most common Constantine then offer it to someone on FMFM at a BARGAIN PRICE! If you have an old pair of jeans you have outgrown, offer them to a member of AncientPeddler or CoinZappers at a ridiculously low price! Move that old ’83 Dodge you have had parked in the driveway for the past two years! This may appear silly to some but I am attempting to illustrate how inclusive I think FMFM should be. Obviously, we should have plenty of ancient coins for sell or trade! Be sure to ask for items you are looking for and I see nothing wrong with expressing what you are willing to pay for the item(s) solicited. The earlier we make our wants known, the more time the membership has to post the items. Please read the rules carefully and if you have suggestions which will enhance one’s understanding, please feel free to bring the suggestion to my attention.
_______1) FMFM will be conducted on the FIRST MONDAY of each month.
2) Purchases or trades may not be made until 12:00 a.m. of the morning of First Monday.
3) Items will be sold or traded on a first come basis.
4) Any and all issues will be resolved between the parties conducting business. Neither AncientPeddler or CoinZapper will be responsible for “bad faith deals”… with the wonderful groups we have I cannot imagine this happening.
5) AncientPeddler serves only as the conduit to bring parties together for doing business.
6) FMFM is and should be in and apart from the normal bargains and deals found on AP and CZ. This is a day for flea market specials !! Let’s make this a fun day of real bargains!
7) Anyone wanting to promote or sell an item on FMFM will post the item several days prior to FM and these items will be posted in the file system on AP.
8) FMFM will not upload or download any pictures in the photo section of AP. That will be the responsibility of the selling or trading party.
9) A running tally of items to be sold, traded or solicited will be maintained by me in the file section. It will be the responsibility of the participating parties to check for the accuracy of the files item. Any discrepancies should be brought to my attention and I will make corrections.
10) Members of AP and CZ may openly promote their items through AP and CZpostings. (Posting on both sites should be advantageous to you.)
11) FMFM discourages any “backroom deals” made before or during FM. This, of course, does not preclude bargaining and bartering.
12) The file tally (items to be sold, traded or bartered) may be deleted immediately after midnight of FM.
13) Members will delete photos of FM items within 48 hours of the cessation of FM in a given month.
14) Members will openly post items to be sold, traded, or solicited on AP and I will add to the folder. Simply title your post as “First Monday” item. I ask that you make your post as short and direct as possible and still maintain the integrity of the post.
FMFM has great potential but only as great as the participation of the membership. Let’s ALL participate! A complete tally of items will be maintained under “Files” and entitled “FIRST MONDAY ITEMS.” Members should go there to view the items. Please post your item(s) openly on AP, and I will add to the folder. I will assign your item a number and include the description as you have expressed. I will have the latitude to edit if too lengthy or change verbiage if needed for clarity. Moderators and vendors please extend yourselves once a month and give someone a real bargain! This is not to the exclusion of the members! I want ALL members to post either at least one want or one item for sale!!
Jerry – Moderator of AncientPeddler a free and fun listserv.
Membership to CoinZappers is open, so come on in and join the fun!